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Saint Matthew Baptist Church was established in 1901. It was the result of a few members from Mt. Bethel Baptist Church deciding to worship on the Southside of Moncrief Springs. On February 13, 1902 our church made a warranty indenture for the purchase of a 105 x 105 piece of property for the sum of $25. This property, located on what is now 1473 Mason Avenue, was purchased from a widow, Mrs. Louisa Robert, and on this site a small wooden church was erected.


Rev. Preston Hargrove was called to be our first pastor at 26 years old. He served our church for approximately six years. After the pastorate of Rev. Hargrove, the Rev. George Whitehurst, Rev. Sparks, and Rev. Jefferson Car succeeded respectively. Continued spiritual growth and development of our church took place under their leadership.

Rev. Hargrove

In about 1917, under the leadership of Rev. Jefferson Carr, our church purchased a humble property on West 28th Street in Jacksonville, Florida. This is where our educational building now stands. This property was purchased September 29, 1920, and our church building was moved intact to 3731 Moncrief Road.  Rev. Frank H. Harper and Rev. W. L. Smith succeeded Rev. Carr.

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In 1928, Rev. J. M. Way was called to the pastorate of our church. Rev. Way was a dynamic bible scholar with exceptional leadership skills. He served our church during a turbulent era as our nation experienced economic depression and division arose between church members which resulted in a split of church membership. However, because of his unusual leadership ability and benevolent spirit he was able to reunite our church preventing a permanent separation of the congregation. After nine years of faithful and dedicated service he resigned in 1937.

We were without a pastor until Rev. C. L. Culver was called in February 1938. Rev. Culver was a man of great vision. He moved our church forward with great enthusiasm. On June 2, 1941, our church purchased two adjacent lots on the Southeast corner of 28th street and Moncrief Road for the small sum of $56.72. This was an answer to many prayers. It gave our church the opportunity to build the worshipping edifice that was long desired.

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Rev. J. M. Way
Rev. C. L. Culver

In 1944, ground was broken for the first church building with Deacon John T. Price as contractor. On August 3, 1946, our entire congregation marched from the old wooden structure into a new modern brick building. The membership grew and St. Matthew became a major Christian fellowship in the city.  Rev. Culver resigned as pastor in November 1948.

Rev. J. W. Walker was called in the early part of 1950. He pastored our church until 1954, at which time Rev. Hill Norris became pastor. Under his leadership the church purchased property at 1311 W. 27th Street for the purpose of building a parsonage.


Dedication of the parsonage was held Wednesday evening after the second Sunday in April 1956.

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Rev. Walker
Rev. Norris
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Rev. Smith
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Rev. Norris resigned in 1958 and was followed by Rev. R. L. Smith. Rev. R. L. Smith served our church from 1958 - 1960. After two years of service, Rev. Daniel Johnson pastored our church from 1961 - 1963.


During their tenure, pews and carpet for the sanctuary were purchased and installed.

Rev. Johnson

On September 15, 1963, our pastor, Rev. George A. Price, accepted the call to this church. Under the leadership of Pastor Price, our church has always striven to give top priority to the nurturing of the spiritual growth and development of those whom we serve. To be true followers of Jesus Christ, His work must indeed be our work.


"Where the weary find rest and the lost find Christ"


3811 Moncrief Road

Jacksonville, fL 32209


Phone: (904) 768 - 7624

Fax: (904) 768 - 7696


"A unified effort to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ"

© 2020 by Saint Matthew Baptist Church

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