What We Believe
We Believe:
That, the Bible is God's infallible word and that the salvation of mankind is its purpose.
That, there is one God, who reveals Himself to us in three personalities; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
That, everyone has failed in the purpose for which God created us. Whereby, we are are all sinners.
That, God so loved mankind that he embodied Himself in human flesh and came to this world in the person of Jesus Christ, for the expressed purpose of paying the penalty for our sin, with His own shed blood at Calvary's Cross.
That, whosoever receives Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, shall be saved from the consequences of sin, and whosoever rejects Jesus shall be forever damned by his sin.
That, we who receive Jesus as our Lord, are baptized with God the Holy Spirit, who preserves us and empowers us to live for Christ in this present evil world.
That, the church is the body of Jesus Christ in this world, whose function is, to make known this glorious Gospel, to the end, that everyone might be saved.
That, there is coming a day, when Jesus Christ shall return to this world, and will receive all who trust Him as Savior to live eternally with Him in Heaven. But, those who reject Him shall be forever separated from God, in hell.